Book a Discovery Call

The purpose of the Design Your Dream Living Room Getting Started Guide is to help you bring your own vision to life. 

However, you might like some extra guidance. Google and YouTube can only help to a point. Or perhaps you’re feeling nervous about managing the scope of what you want to achieve. . . We can help with that!

If at any point you’d like to book a 1:1 session for feedback on your plans, schedule a bundle of consults for the start, middle and ending of your project, or hire us to bring your dreams to life, we are here for you virtually across Canada, or in person locally in the East GTA. 

This call will help you determine whether mentoring (i.e. Rousseau’s comes alongside you as you DIY), or hiring Rousseau’s to bring your project to life (i.e. Done For You) is your next best step. This 20 minute call is completely free and there’s no obligation to purchase one of our services. A quick chat may be all you need to catapult you to the finish line!

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